Mente y Espíritu

Fantasmas Entre Nosotros
Todos disfrutamos de una buena historia de fantasmas. QuizÁ la fascinaciÓn humana con lo sobrenatural provenga del hecho de que la mayorÍa de nosotros, en algÚn punto de nuestras vidas, hemos vivido algo que no

Las Aventuras Del Alma
A manual for anyone who has ever questioned where they come from, why they are here, and where they go after they die. James Van Praagh takes you on a journey to discover the uniqueness

La Décima Revelacion
In this Spanish language edition of his national bestseller, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision , James Redfield continues the story of the quest to spread the message of the discovery of the nine insights

La Profecia Celestina
You have never read a book like this before — a book that comes along once in a lifetime to change lives forever. In the rain forests of Peru, an ancient manuscript has been discovered.

Dejar Ir. El Camino A La Liberación
Este es el último libro publicado en español del doctor David Hawkins, pionero de la medicina y de la investigación de la conciencia, y maestro de Un curso de milagros. Basándose en su experiencia personal

El Poder Contra La Fuerza
Dr. David R. Hawkins is a renowned lecturer and expert on mental processes whose national TV appearances include The MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour and the Today Show. A life member of the American Psychiatric Association, he

Las Tres Preguntas
Converted into a reference work, the Hojas de ruta series is a milestone within Jorge Bucays library. Sensitive to this circumstance and insightful to the content, the author provides a revitalized proposal in this volume.

Rumbo A Una Vida Mejor
En este manual práctico, Jorge Bucay pasa revista a los asuntos que debemos tener en cuenta para distinguir entre pasar por la vida y tener una vida plena. La autoconfianza y el amor por uno

Cuentos Para Pensar / Stories For Thinking
During his long and colorful professional career, Jorge Bucay has always recounted stories not only as a means to teach his patients, but also as a means to reflect with them on some of the

De La Autoestima Al Egoismo = Of Self Esteem To Selfishness
Consisting of imaginary chats with numerous readers, Jorge Bucay has written yet another heartwarming and uplifting book meant to help its readers. The friendly conversation includes common topics that have concerned women and men throughout