Etiqueta: Eva Pierrakos

No Temas El Mal

No Temas El Mal

Overcoming the morally reprehensible has been an aspiration of both religion and sociology for centuries. This powerful guide to self-knowledge examines the interplay between who people are intrinsically and the external factors to which they are influenced by. This method also explores peoples dark side–revealing that even pre-existing kindness and goodwill can be tainted by… Leer Más

Del Miedo Al Amor/ Creating Union

Del Miedo Al Amor/ Creating Union

Every man and woman has both a superior and an inferior being. The inferior being is selfish, vengeful, and unreliable—it is responsible for a great deal of the pain people suffer. This guide explains that, in love and relationships, people must learn to get in touch with their inferior beings. By tracing its origins, people… Leer Más