Trienal: V. [2]. Coloquios

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libro Trienal: V. [2]. Coloquios

The global framework of the first Triennial of Chile included 3 international colloquiums directed by art critic Nelly Richards with the participation of international intellectuals and art administrators who during 7 days debated and reflected on the concepts in art of history, territory and identity. Some names included: Néstor García Canclini, Andrea Giunta, Adriana Valdes, Willy Thayer, Ana Lomgoni, Ticio Escobar, Guillermo Machuca, Pablo Oyarzún, Maria Berrios and others. The limits of art are the main topic around in which this 1st Triennial de Chile is developed, exploring as a possibility the transgression of limits, an understood negation not in terms of didactic improvements, but as the key of an ambiguous gesture that simultaneously corroborates and refute the outlines of art. –P.15.

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