Etiqueta: William Bay

You Can Teach Yourself Classic Guitar
This Spanish edition presents an easy-to-understand method for learning the classic guitar. It offers foundational studies and exercises plus a wide assortment of Renaissance to 20th century solos in all guitar-friendly keys. Presents essential classic

Ensenate A Tocar La Guitarra Clasica
This is an easy-to-understand yet very comprehensive method. You will learn to play classic guitar in all of the basic keys. In addition you will play a very wide assortment of solos ranging from the

Libro De Acordes Para Ninos
Younger students will enjoy this creative approach to playing simple guitar chords. Chords are taught with exercises that build upon each other and eventually lead the student to playing logical and common chord progressions. These

Mel Bay S Caroling Book, Spanish Edition
This book and two CD set is intended to be a tune repertoire book. It includes over 100 Old-Time festival favorites. Some are cliche?, others unusual, some easy, some difficult. The book contains 2 lines