Etiqueta: Suzanne Barchers

Limpiemos Nuestra Escuela / Cleaning Our School
Practice graphing while cleaning up the school! In this engaging title, that has been translated into Spanish, a summer storm leaves the school in a mess, so students work to clean it up. Young readers

Nuestra Reunión Familiar (our Family Reunion)
Each year, the Coles look forward to their family reunion. This year, the Coles are in charge of all the planning. They use two-digit subtraction in a lot of the planning, especially when deciding how

Tercer Grado Guía Del Padre Para El éxito De Su Hijo (third Grade Parent Guide For Your Ch
Get parents and teachers working together to increase student achievement with this helpful Parent Guide written in Spanish. With this guide, Spanish-speaking parents can provide reinforcement for what the teacher is doing in the third-grade