Etiqueta: Sharon Gordon

Qué Hay Dentro De Una Estación De Policía?

Qué Hay Dentro De Una Estación De Policía?

An introduction to life at a police department, including descriptions of the equipment, the staff, and what happens on a typical day.
What S Inside An Ambulance?/que Hay Dentro De Una Ambulancia?

What S Inside An Ambulance?/que Hay Dentro De Una Ambulancia?

An introduction to how the equipment on an ambulance is used to attend to different kinds of patients that follows the crew from the operator receiving the emergency call to the EMTs getting the ambulance
At Home On The Ranch

At Home On The Ranch

These Spanish readers reinforce the skills acquired in Exactamente lo opuesto and Listos para ir a la escuela and playfully lure early readers to the next level of proficiency. the titles in this series describe
Adivina Quién Silba

Adivina Quién Silba

These early readers reinforces skills acquired in Just the Opposit /Exactamente lo opuesto and Ready for School/Listos para ir a la escuela and playfully lures early readers to the next level of proficiency. Appealing to
Adivina Quién Muerde

Adivina Quién Muerde

Provides clues about a sharks physical characteristics, behaviors, and habitats in a guessing game format.