Etiqueta: Julia Wall

Ángulos En El Baloncesto (basketball Angles)
Learn all about angles with this exciting Spanish-translated e-book about basketball! Examples taken from the lively sport keep readers engaged and help them better understand geometry and STEM themes. Readers will learn about different types

Las Figuras A Tu Alrededor (shapes Around You)
Three-dimensional shapes are everywhere! Learn about the properties of three-dimensional shapes like cylinders, prisms, cubes, and cones with this vibrant book. This title has been translated into Spanish and encourages young readers to practice geometry

Detectives De Naufragios (shipwreck Detectives)
Explore shipwrecks to learn about underwater archeology and mapping coordinates! This Spanish-translated e-book encourages readers to familiarize themselves with coordinate planes by finding intersections between lines of latitude and longitude. Using geometry, STEM concepts, and

Dar Forma A Nuestro Mundo (shaping Our World)
Shapes are everywhere you look. They are in the streets, in your classroom, and in your home. Two-dimensional (2-D) shapes have length and width. Regular 2-D shapes have angles (which are measured in degrees) that