Etiqueta: Jose Aldazabal

Enséñame Tus Caminos
These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of the liturgy: liturgical seasons, the sacraments, ministries, etc. They are prepared at the Centro de

Lecturas Breves, Escuela De Sabiduría
J. Aldazábal ofrece en este Dossier un comentario espiritual (escuela de sabiduría) a las lecturas breves de las cuatro semanas del salterio. Es decir, de las que corren el riesgo de no ser diariamente valoradas

Ministerios De Laicos
These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of the liturgy: liturgical seasons, the sacraments, ministries, etc. They are prepared at the Centro de

Claves Para La Oración
These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of the liturgy: liturgical seasons, the sacraments, ministries, etc. They are prepared at the Centro de

Miguel, Gabriel Y Rafael, Arcángeles
This collection tries to bring us closer–in a simple and friendly way–to the lives of some of the more popular saints with short books (20-24 pages each) of attractive presentation–drawings, color, and the like–that can