Etiqueta: Gail Saunders Smith
Vegetables On My Plate
Vegetables are tasty, crunchy, and healthy. Learn about how MyPlate helps kids make great food choices every day, including vegetables!
Las Fases De La Luna/phases Of The Moon
Explains why the moon changes phase over the course of a month, and why it is a constant pattern of change.
La Luz Del Sol
Describes the effects of light from the sun on earth, and how it causes temperature changes, the seasons, winds, and clouds.
Frutas En Miplato/fruits On Myplate
Simple text and photographs introduce USDAs MyPlate tool and present healthy fruit options for children.
Simple text and photographs present crabs, describing where they live, how they look, and what they do.
Algunos Ni_os Son Ciegos
Simple text and photographs describe children who are blind, their challenges and adaptations, and their everyday actvities–in both English and Spanish –Provided by publisher.