Etiqueta: Ernesto Guevara

Che Guevara Talks To Young People
Collects speeches that the revolutionary leader delivered to university students and other youth groups between 1959 and 1964, along with a tribute to Guevara given by Fidel Castro in 1997.

Pasajes De La Guerra Revolucionaria
Published for the first time in 1999, Guevaras account presents the central lessons of the Cuban volunteer contingent that fought alongside anti-imperialist forces in the Congo in 1965 and discusses the prospects for revolutionary struggle

El Diario Del Che En Bolivia
Al publicar este documento histórico, el comandante Fidel Castro termina el prólogo del libro con estas palabras: La forma en que llegó a nuestras manos este Diario no puede ser ahora divulgada, baste decir que