Etiqueta: Dana Meachen Rau

At The Park
This series, now available in Spanish, is designed for children who are just learning to read and provides a winning approach that supports the efforts of early literacy. Fun days outside the house are the

Guess Who Purrs/adivina Quien Ronronea
Simple text and colorful illustrations describe different characteristics and habits of the cat, inviting the reader to guess who ?

The Lion In The Grass
Easy-to-read text with rebuses explores how a lion spends his time, from hunting zebras in the tall grass to watching cubs play.

En El Zoológico
This series, now available in Spanish, is designed for children who are just learning to read and provides a winning approach that supports the efforts of early literacy. Fun days outside the house are the

Los Océanos
As readers grow in skill and ability, they are able to learn more about the world in which they live at the same time as they hone the basic reading skills learned at the emergent

Nuestro Planeta Es Importante Los Océanos
Discusses the role of the oceans on Earth and introduces waves, tides, and water pressure –Provided by publisher.

El León En La Hierba
This series, now available in Spanish, is designed for children who are just learning to read. It provides a winning approach that supports the efforts of early literacy. Titles in this series utilize a combination

El Ahorro
Provides information on earning, spending, saving, and investing money, and includes a math connection activity.

A Trepar!
This series, now available in Spanish, is designed for children who are just learning to read. It provides a winning approach that supports the efforts of early literacy. Titles in this series utilize a combination

Un Cartero
This series, now available in Spanish, is designed for children who are just learning to read and provides a winning approach that supports the efforts of early literacy. These titles introduce young readers to the

El Estómago
Practice makes perfect, and this series gives fluent Spanish readers plenty of it as they get an early introduction to the human body. Designed to challenge, the text is more detailed and less tied to

Cansada De Esperar (tired Of Waiting)
A child thinks of ways to have fun while waiting for the bus, at the doctors office, and at other boring times during the day.

Yo Me Encargo
A boy shows the things that he has learned to take charge of, including making his bed and feeding his fish.

La Comunicación En La Historia De América
Correlated to the early social studies curriculum, this series looks at one aspect of daily life and how it has changed through different periods of American history. The simple, authentic Spanish text helps ELL students

La Vida
As readers grow in skill and ability, they are able to learn more about the world in which they live at the same time as they hone the basic reading skills learned at the emergent