Etiqueta: Cassie Mayer



A través de fotografías impresionantes y texto sencillo, los niños aprenden acerca de los hogares de todo el mundo, incluyendo en qué se parecen y en qué se diferencian, tipos especiales de hogares, y cómo
Hacer Amigos

Hacer Amigos

Describes various situations that demonstrate ways to make friends and the importance of being a good friend.


The titles in this series introduce children to the characteristics of living things. In each book, children view various objects in a habitat and are asked to determine if they are living or nonliving. Stunning
Océanos Y Mares

Océanos Y Mares

Introduces oceans and seas, describing their characteristics and how they differ from each other, where they are located, the animals and plants that live in them, how they move, and how people use them.


Shells are used as a body covering for some animals. Through a playful question-and-answer format, this book introduces animals that use shells for protection. Children will learn that shells can have different colors, shapes, and