Spanish For Cruisers
Resumen del Libro:

This second edition of the popular Spanish for Cruisers has been greatly expanded so that it now covers ALL the language and vocabulary necessary to cruise the Spanish-speaking countries of the Caribbean, Central and South America and Europe. There is no other source that provides boaters and marine interests with the practical, specialized phrases they need to communicate with port captains, dock attendants, marina and boatyard staff, mechanics, marine technicians, rescuers, fishermen and divers. Spanish for Cruisers is just as useful ashore for food provisioning, shopping, dining, medical care, banking, phone, internet, transportation and directions. Completely indexed in English and Spanish, with easy-to-use pronunciation for every word, plus illustrations and diagrams of systems and boat parts, Spanish for Cruisers will be the boaters essential companion throughout their stay in Spanish-speaking countries.
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