Relatos De Un Medico Y De Una Maestra

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libro Relatos De Un Medico Y De Una Maestra

El Padre, medico, y la hija, maestra, son los autores de este libro de relatos que cuentan historias de sus experiencias profesionales y humanas en los lugares, Cuba y Estados Unidos, donde ejercieron. Las anecdotas son entretenidas, costumbristas y hasta humoristas y quizas deprimentes, pero en todas hay una leccion de fuerte contenido humano The authors of this book, a father who is a doctor and a daughter who is a teacher, relate human as well as professional stories, that took place in Cuba as well as in the United States, where they worked. The anecdotes are funny and amusing, although a few are also a bit depressing, but all are deeply human and touch the soul with their strong message.

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