Promesas Poderosas Para Toda Mujer: 12 Verdades Que Cambian La Vida Tomadas Del Salmo 23 = Powerful Promises For Every Woman

Por rrlRWoarVsmI / hace 8 años / 0 Comentarios ».

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libro Promesas Poderosas Para Toda Mujer: 12 Verdades Que Cambian La Vida Tomadas Del Salmo 23 = Powerful Promises For Every Woman

This inspiring devotional journey through Psalm 23 encourages women to walk ever more closely with God. Best-selling author Elizabeth George shows women 12 promises that will help them in every season of life. As readers discover how David, a man of faith and failure, overcame his challenges and built his trust in God, they will take joy in their own journey as they embrace promises of provision, healing, comfort, protection, and more We can thank God that His love is unending, His guidance never falters, and His presence is forever. We can thank Him, too, for the Shepherd Psalm that will stand us well through all the seasons of life. Formerly The Lord Is My Shepherd.

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