Law, The State, And The International Community
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Scott, James Brown. Law, The State, and the International Community. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. Two volumes. Reprinted 2002 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. LCCN 2001018648. ISBN 1-58477-178-X. Cloth. $175. * Volume One: A Commentary on the Development of Legal, Political and International Ideals. Volume Two: Extracts Illustrating the Growth of Theories, and Principles of Jurisprudence, Government, and The Law of Nations. This is a work of ambitious scope and conspicuous industry. It attempts a survey of the chief currents of political and juridical speculation from classical times to the end of the 16th century. The author divides his subject into six main periods: The Greek Background, The Roman Heritage, The Christian Heritage (Ancient and Medieval), The Transition from Medieval to Modern Thought, The Era of Reform, The Beginning of the Modern Age. The terminus is Richard Hooker on the brink of the 17th century. From the Dark Ages onwards, the teachings of twenty celebrated theological, political, and international savants are analyzed and presented in concentrated form. (…) One of Professor Scotts best chapters is on Francisco de Vittoria (c. 1483-1546), who is of particular interest for his influence on Grotius, and to whose remarkable Relectio de Indis Professor Scott has devoted special research. Marke, A Catalogue of the Law Collection at New York University (1953) 926.
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