El Carbunclo Azul/the Adventure Of The Blue Carbuncle
Resumen del Libro:

Un 26 de diciembre, Watson se acerca al 221-B de Baker Street para felicitar las Navidades a su inseparable amigo Holmes. Al llegar, lo encuentra analizando un bombín en lamentable estado, que el inspector Peterson de Scotland Yard le ha llevado. Tanto el sombrero como una oca de buen tamaño proceden de un incidente callejero, en el curso del cual el propietario acabó huyendo. La oca llevaba una tarjeta, que indicaba que era para la señora de Henry Baker, y el sombrero llevaba las iniciales H.B. Ante la dificultad de encontrar al propietario, en una ciudad con tantos Baker, Peterson se lleva la oca con destino a la cocina de su casa, y Holmes se entretiene estudiando el sombrero. Watson visits his friend Holmes at Christmas time and finds him contemplating a battered old hat, brought to him by the commissionaire Peterson after the hat and a Christmas goose had been dropped by a man in a scuffle with some street ruffians. Peterson takes the goose home to eat, but later returns to Holmes with a blue carbuncle his wife had found in the birds crop (throat). Holmes makes some interesting deductions concerning the owner of the hat from simple observations of its condition, conclusions amply confirmed when an advertisement for the owner produces the man himself: Henry Baker. Holmes cannot resist such an intriguing mystery, and he and Watson set out across the city to determine exactly how the jewel, stolen from the Countess of Morcar during her stay at a hotel, wound up in a gooses crop. The man who dropped the goose, Mr. Henry Baker, comes to reclaim his hat in response to Holmes advertisement. Holmes drops hints about how he saved the innards of the goose, but Baker fails to respond to them, simply saying that he is afraid goose remains are not much use. He does, however, give Holmes valuable information, eventually leading him to the conclusive stage of his investigation, at Covent Garden. Holmes offers a fresh goose to Henry Baker, who responds with gladness…
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