Crepusculo: Diario De La Directora: Como Hicimos La Pelicula Basada En La Novela De Stephenie Meyer = Twilight: Director S Notebook

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libro Crepusculo: Diario De La Directora: Como Hicimos La Pelicula Basada En La Novela De Stephenie Meyer = Twilight: Director S Notebook

En estas p�ginas podr�s acompa�arme a trav�s del proceso creativo que seguimos para lograr que la hipn�tica novela de Stephenie Meyer cobrase vida en la pantalla. Ver�s los detalles del vestuario, vi�etas del storyboard, fotograf�as entre bastidores y comentarios sobre la realizaci�n de mis escenas favoritas. �Hardwicke ha conectado de una forma tan intensa con la novela de Meyer que resulta dif�cil imaginar una versi�n mejor.� Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A personal, behind-the-scenes look at the making of the blockbuster film Twilight from groundbreaking director Catherine Hardwicke! This intimate full-color notebook , designed to replicate the one director Catherine Hardwicke kept on and off the set, takes you through the creative process that went into making Stephenie Meyers breathtaking novel come alive on screen?from casting to costumes, stunts to story boards. With never-before-seen notes, sketches, and photographs taken directly from the visionary directors personal notebook, this book includes everything from her visual inspirations, to step-by-step breakdowns of action sequences, to a behind the scenes look at some of the most pivotal moments in the creation of the film, and much more.

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