Asesinato En Directo/ I Ve Got You Under My Skin

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libro Asesinato En Directo/ I Ve Got You Under My Skin

De la autora de los bestsellers internacionales La dieta del metabolismo acelerado y Quemalo. Un enfoque en la linea de todos los libros de Pomroy, que con su estilo unico nos ofrece un innovador plan para curar o tratar diversas enfermedades. Sabias que hay ciertos alimentos que pueden hacerte un lifting mejor que un cirujano plastico? Que los pepinos y la curcuma realzan tus pomulos y que el hummus fortalece tu piel? Que el maiz tiene un fitonutriente que puede causar circulos negros y bolsas debajo de tus ojos? Haylie Pomroy sabe todo esto y mas, y con este nuevo libro nos revelara como la comida, gracias a su poder metabolico, es el mejor doctor. Preparate para convertir a los alimentos en medicina y a tu cocina en una farmacia en la que podras curar desde la gastritis y la fatiga cronica hasta la diabetes y el cancer. Lo unico que tienes que hacer es comer! English Description Haylie Pomroy, celebrated nutritionist, and #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Fast Metabolism Diet, shares a food prescription for the 7 most common ways your metabolism misfires and leads to exhaustion, excess weight, and illness. With her targeted eating plans you can feed your body back to a vibrant, energetic, and thriving state. When multiple health challenges threatened the author s life, it set her on an investigative journey that was life-changingand lifesaving. In this book, she shares her personal story for the first time, as well as the powerful food programs she created based on the methods and philosophies that saved her life and helped her thrive. For decades now, these same food therapies have provided profound clinical results in her clinics where she s treated thousands of others. Our bodies are always talking, communicating their needs. We just need to learn how to listen. Sometimes they whisper to usour energy is off, we just dont feel right, we have indigestion or IBS, or our body shape is morphing in ways we don t recognize or like. Sometimes our bodies…

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