Etiqueta: Lisa Greathouse

Todo Acceso: Una Casa De Modas
La moda es algo más que modelos en las pasarelas. La moda empieza con una idea del diseñador. Involucra cortar y coser la tela, y el negocio de fabricación y venta de ropa. ¡Este libro

¡cuenta Conmigo! ¿qué Hay De Almuerzo? (count Me In! What S For Lunch?)
Early elementary readers find out how important lunch is in order to keep them energized throughout their busy day. Implementing a variety of mathematical skills, from addition to fractions, in conjunction with informational, Spanish-translated text,

Los Juegos Son Divertidos (games Are Fun)
Discover patterns in everyday games! This charming, Spanish-translated title helps young readers recognize repeating patterns in common games like checkers, cards, board games, and jacks. Children will enhance their understanding of patterns and early STEM

Puesto De Comida (the Snack Shop) (nivel K (level K))
This reader describes what happens as treats are bought at a snack shop. Students learn about subtraction as snacks are purchased from the shop.

Cuenta Conmigo! El Torneo De Futbol (count Me In! Soccer Tournament) (early Fluent Plus)
¿Por qué más gente juega fútbol que cualquier otro deporte? Es un juego muy emocionante. ¡Las reglas básicas pueden ser sencillas, pero se requiere de mucha práctica para ser hábil para driblar, pasar, cabecear –

Los Sólidos (solids)
What does this Spanish-translated book, a table, and your big toe have in common? They are all solids! A solid keeps its shape and always has the same volume. Read this Spanish-translated book to learn

Diversion En El Sol (fun In The Sun) (nivel K (level K))
Practice addition while having fun in the sun! This charming, Spanish-translated title uses examples of outdoor activities to help children learn addition, number operations, and early STEM themes. Vivid, familiar images, mathematical diagrams, and engaging

Jugueteria (the Toy Store) (nivel K (level K))
The focus of this reader is counting toys. Students count toys from one to twenty. Each page contains the target numeral and corresponding number of toys. Students read the corresponding number word within the text.

Los Sentidos (senses)
How do we learn about the world around us? One good way is to use our senses. Our senses give us five different ways to explore the world. But how do they do that? Read

Los Sentidos
How do we learn about the world around us? One good way is to use our senses. Our senses give us five different ways to explore the world. But how do they do that? Read